It is a simple Sorting algorithm which sorts the array by shifting elements one by one. Following are some of the important characteristics of Insertion Sort.
- It has one of the simplest implementation
- It is efficient for smaller data sets, but very inefficient for larger lists.
- Insertion Sort is adaptive, that means it reduces its total number of steps if given a partially sorted list, hence it increases its efficiency.
- It is better than Selection Sort and Bubble Sort algorithms.
- Its space complexity is less. Like Bubble Sorting, insertion sort also requires a single additional memory space.
- It is a Stable sorting, as it does not change the relative order of elements with equal key
How Insertion Sorting Works
Sorting using Insertion Sort Algorithm
int a[6] = {5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 3}; int i, j, key; for(i=1; i<6 i="" j="" key="a[i];" while="">=0 && key < a[j]) { a[j+1] = a[j]; j--; } a[j+1] = key; } 6>Now lets, understand the above simple insertion sort algorithm. We took an array with 6 integers. We took a variable key, in which we put each element of the array, in each pass, starting from the second element, that is a[1].
Then using the while loop, we iterate, until j becomes equal to zero or we find an element which is greater than key, and then we insert the key at that position.
In the above array, first we pick 1 as key, we compare it with 5(element before 1), 1 is smaller than 5, we shift 1 before 5. Then we pick 6, and compare it with 5 and 1, no shifting this time. Then 2 becomes the key and is compared with, 6 and 5, and then 2 is placed after 1. And this goes on, until complete array gets sorted.
Insertion Sorting in C++
#include#include using namespace std; //member functions declaration void insertionSort(int arr[], int length); void printArray(int array[],int size); int main() { int array[5]= {5,4,3,2,1}; insertionSort(array,5); return 0; } void insertionSort(int arr[], int length) { int i, j ,tmp; for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { j = i; while (j > 0 && arr[j - 1] > arr[j]) { tmp = arr[j]; arr[j] = arr[j - 1]; arr[j - 1] = tmp; j--; } printArray(arr,5); } } void printArray(int array[], int size){ cout<< "Sorting tha array using Insertion sort... "; int j; for (j=0; j < size;j++) for (j=0; j < size;j++) cout <<" "<< array[j]; cout << endl; }
Complexity Analysis of Insertion Sorting
Worst Case Time Complexity : O(n2) Best Case Time Complexity : O(n) Average Time Complexity : O(n2) Space Complexity : O(1)
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